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w3|_|_ 1t sh0ws the troo stup1tity in teh wehy we tolk. Well enough of typing like that. It was quite gross but not in a bad way. I liked how it showed conversations somewhat like we have on NG BBS except we now realize how moronic it is. Well good job seizuredog.

SeizureDog responds:


Ya, nice

It was pretty good And i hope it becomes a series. Thanks for responding to my last review and I just want to ask

1) Do you have any advice for me making flash on 30 day trial?

2)How do you draw your stuff?
I'm sorry for asking such stupid questions but I know you would answer them and I am a n00b and I just want to know XD well thanks

ZombieLincoln responds:

Thanks for the review sir -

I'd be happy to give you advice over AIM if you have it. My screenname is ZombieLincoln. If not -

For making flash, I'd advise you to spend a good amount of time on your work, and to be patient with it. Don't be afraid to work with stick figures or the like just because they are frowned on in Newgrounds. Keep practicing and you will improve.

Most of my drawing I do from my head with the mouse. I never took art training or anything (which is probably obvious) but I have been doodling most my life, so I have some practice. For certain things I need to use a reference picture.

My art is inspired by other artists. Watching different animations is a great source for solutions.

Hope this was helpful, sir, and thanks again.

Just wtf!

That was awesomely funny, that cell thing got me on the ground with laughter, THIS MUST PASS so it can be in my favorites :D
good work!

Skeik responds:

THANK YOU SO MUCH^_^ snl is back with a bigger bang then evar. I knew hlding out for a week was a good idea.

good skate movie

I thought it was well done, what is the audio?

cronic-22 responds:

The song is called "Rush Song" by "A"

I can say good...

It impressed me for a first time, your from Scotland :)

StrikerF2 responds:

Indeed I am, who mght you be?

Pretty nice

Well first off whoever came up with this idea is a genius because it is a wonderful idea and I personally think another should come out.

The flash some people can produce with in a day amazes me being that I have had the flash trial and was able to get a sprtie movie which got blammed and it took me like 20 days.

The music was very fitting to the collab, and be very i mean freakishly. That was almost the best fir music in any flash I have seen.

There was a flaw with the loading that 3..2..1 thing confused me, maybe i'm dumb or just pointed it out because it is dumb. I was wondering what to do when until the word play came up. Then like always you press it.

Some of the flash was a bit bad, but I deduct zero points, I can not believe this was 24 hours. I can not believe the last review before me was like January 2005 when it is in a collection.

the ending and thanks were awesomely made and this entertained me, I could not help laughing for no reason. I think it is well done and a second one should be made.

(p.s. this is a fairly long review yet I dont keep up to the last person)

ZombieLincoln responds:

The idea existed before this flash and has been seen in a number of others - but I agree - it is an excellent exercise for those involved.

The quality of the submissions - and the number of people willing to get involved - really surprised me when I set it up. I included almost every submission because of it.

The animators did not have any idea of the music beforehand, and I tried my best to pick a song that would match most of the works, and also arrange the animations in a fitting manner. I'm glad you enjoyed it, sir.

The 3..2..1 thing...You're absolutely right. I need to teach myself how to make an animated custom preloader. Sorry about the confusion.

I'm glad you were entertained and spent the time to write a thoughtful review. Thanks for your comments!


I love my team sandwich this is a great series. Not much more to say. Oh thanks for emailing me saying its out XD!

edude77 responds:

Thanks again for your support! Tis nice to have a fan.. :)

I want to be a fisherman.

Lord Morbulus @yodd

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