Pretty nice
Well first off whoever came up with this idea is a genius because it is a wonderful idea and I personally think another should come out.
The flash some people can produce with in a day amazes me being that I have had the flash trial and was able to get a sprtie movie which got blammed and it took me like 20 days.
The music was very fitting to the collab, and be very i mean freakishly. That was almost the best fir music in any flash I have seen.
There was a flaw with the loading that 3..2..1 thing confused me, maybe i'm dumb or just pointed it out because it is dumb. I was wondering what to do when until the word play came up. Then like always you press it.
Some of the flash was a bit bad, but I deduct zero points, I can not believe this was 24 hours. I can not believe the last review before me was like January 2005 when it is in a collection.
the ending and thanks were awesomely made and this entertained me, I could not help laughing for no reason. I think it is well done and a second one should be made.
(p.s. this is a fairly long review yet I dont keep up to the last person)