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Good work

THis animation was quite well done, the drawings were done in a nice smooth style, and the style stayed the same throughout which is a good thing.

The song was good, I normally don't like this kind of music, but I did this time (though it doesn't matter if I am rating an animation). THe song and animation corresponded well, a song about a sad robot, an animation about a sad robot sort of thing.

The one thing I didn't enjoy was that green animation thingy. Sure, its not bad looking, but the amount of time it took up in the animation was too much. Other than that one thing I didn't enjoy, it was a lovely animation that i'd certainly watch again. For future works, I suggest making it less repetative, but hell this animation was great and I can't talk sonsidering all my works have way more flaws!



it's like an egg or some shit!

SuperSalvo responds:

egg actually

Numerous dicks

Like aliens going pew pew pew in space.

Wah wah.

Everybody loves raymond!

Rock the boat

Don't tip the boat ova.

Oh hey

This was a cool little animation here, set to a nice song by weird al.

dskjfsahjkf lets start with a review here.

>>>THE GOOD<<<
-USing the south park-ish Canadian person was a good idea
-The animation was smooth and groovy, I also should point out how neatly you did the colors.
- followed the lyrics to the song.
-Graphics were acceptable for what you were trying to portay in this animation, so good job with that.

-The same thing was happening various times throughout the animation the "band scene". I always like a bit more creativitiy, so had you addeddd more stuff to that...

As a canadian, I enjoyed this i laugh at how true some of it is, and it really is a shame that other canadian viewers are giving you shit for this, as I think this song is jsut as much praising Canada as it is insulting (use of irony in the song of course). Nothing was wrong with it, but there is always room for improvement.

Added to favs, continue witrh the good work.

TITROTU responds:

Thanks for the very detailed review. :)


So, I thought since the way the collab is done, I will review it by color.


Cool 3d effects, although a bit repetative, it was cool. Why would you pick a color you hate? o.O :D

Goodm music, some good graphics. However I hated soem of the tweens used. lively.

I was hoping for mroe than motorcycle tricks, hoped a bit much I giess.

Decent, like the music, rest was meh. Alright.


I felt like partying, it was fun and funny.

Worst of the collab, repetative faces and poor fbf, collab leader, this is what made the marks go down in my books :/.

Other remarks:
Menu/preloader. Cool backrounds, it was nicely executed, and suited what it was, the color collab. The cursor was wicked awesome, liked it a bunch. And the pause feature was good, as it helped me write this review as I went. :D




TheGreatPatten responds:

Wow, thanks. You forget to write about blue :). Appreciate the review my man

Its cool

>>>THE GOOD<<<
3d Motion was done quite swell, compared to muct 3d on this site. The 3d animation blew my mind.
The idea was pretty new, following a pinball around.
Pinball had the reflection, this was REALLY good and deserved its own oint because I have never seen anyone do that in 3d.
Music was funny and fitting ^_^

Eh, I thought you could have used sound effects over the music whenever the pinball made contact with another object.
I thought the motion was a bit slow, pinballs go faster. Although, I do see that it is sorta what you meant to do, I didn't overly enjoy that aspect.

Great 3d project, I hope you got a good mark on it (quite sure you did) and it was nice to watch, I have one question for you, so please respond.

What Program do you use for 3d?


I want to be a fisherman.

Lord Morbulus @yodd

Age 32, Male




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